Residential Rug Care
2421 Crofton Lane
CroftonMD 21114
Residential Rug Care |2421 Crofton LaneCroftonMD21114 | (410) 320-1468

Our Services

Before we even begin work on your rug, we identify certain qualities, such as fiber quality and weave type, to ensure we are handling your rug with care. After a thorough inspection, we wash each rug individually to prevent potential issues such as color bleeding or stretching.

*We only service area and oriental rugs; we do not service wall-to-wall carpets.

Rug Cleaning

We provide superior quality hand-washing for all types of area and oriental rugs. We employ proven techniques that give our clients the peace of mind that their rugs will be well cared for. Before any washing begins, we thoroughly inspect each rug to assess its condition and appropriate cleaning methods. Our process of hand-washing rugs individually avoids the risk of cross-contamination. Let us provide the superior care your valuable rugs deserve.

Rug Over-Casting

Residential Rug Care specializes in providing the highest quality rug over-casting services to preserve your favorite rug. Our service includes securing the ends and repairing any damage beyond fringes and kilim. When necessary, we can also provide reweaving to bring your rug back to its former glory.


Rug fringe replacement is the most common type of rug repair and should be replaced every 10-15 years. Whether your rug is frayed, loose, or damaged, we can re-fringe it by hand sewing or reconstructing it with new cotton, wool, or silk fringes, tread by tread from the foundation of the rug. Our highly experienced technicians have been specially trained in traditional methods and guarantee professional quality service for every customer. Get your rug restored and bring its original beauty back!


Residential Rug Care specializes in reweaving rugs that have been damaged from common sources of wear and tear. Whether you have a rug with holes from your dog's chewing, damage from your vacuum cleaner, or water damage, our reweaving process will restore it to its original condition. We can repair burns, cuts, holes, and other types of damage with precision. Trust Residential Rug Care for quality, fast, and reliable service when it comes to repairing your rugs.

Rug Stretching

Our team of experienced technicians can help get your rugs looking their best in no time. We offer rug stretching services to fix wrinkles and bumps, and if your rug or runner curves to one side, we can address that too. Trust us to extend the life of your rug and ensure it looks great in your home. Contact us today, and we will take care of all your rug stretching needs.

Curtain/Drapery Cleaning

At Residential Rug Care, we understand the importance of having clean, dust-free curtains and drapes to complete the overall look of your living room or bedroom. Our experienced team is equipped to provide a full drapery cleaning service using state-of-the-art equipment, ensuring your window treatments are expertly cleaned without risking damage. We also guarantee a timely and reliable service that is backed by our commitment to superior quality and attention to detail.

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