Residential Rug Care
2421 Crofton Lane
CroftonMD 21114
Residential Rug Care
Make your rugs look new again! Call now!
(410) 320-1468Get A Quote

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Residential Rug Care |2421 Crofton LaneCroftonMD21114 | (410) 320-1468

Rug Cleaning In Crofton, MD

Residential Rug Care is a local rug cleaning business based in Crofton, MD, that specializes in expertly restoring your most treasured pieces. Our hand-washing techniques provide you with the peace of mind that your valuable items are being taken care of by experts who understand the delicate care required for all rugs. Our services go beyond rug cleaning and also include drapery cleaning, rug re-fringing, rug stretching, and rug repair. We also offer pickup and delivery for your rug to provide as little disruption to your life as possible.

Our Process

Step 1Drop off your rug at our location or opt-in for our pickup and delivery service for ultimate convenience.
Step 2We’ll clean your area rug with proven hand-washing techniques to ensure proper restoration.
Step 3We’ll notify you when your rug is complete or schedule a drop-off time if you’ve chosen our delivery services.

What We Do

Choose Residential Rug Care and take the guesswork out of restoring your favorite pieces. With our expert-level services and commitment to high-quality, proven cleaning methods, you can rest assured your pieces are in safe hands. Contact us today to find out more about how we can restore the beauty of your rugs and keep your memories alive!

Our Services

item imageRug CleaningWith careful attention to detail and proven hand-washing techniques, we’ll have your rug in like-new condition!
item imageRug RestorationKeep your rug for years to come with various restoration services, including fringe repair, rug over-casting, and more.
item imageDrapery/Curtain CleaningWe clean more than just rugs and offer cleaning services for drapery and curtains, using the same care for each one.

Our Certifications

What We Do

Choose Residential Rug Care and take the guesswork out of restoring your favorite pieces. With our expert-level services and commitment to high-quality, proven cleaning methods, you can rest assured your pieces are in safe hands. Contact us today to find out more about how we can restore the beauty of your rugs and keep your memories alive!